How staying insured when you don't own a car will save you money when you do
Buying nonowner auto insurance protects you when you rent, share, or borrow a car. It also protects you from higher insurance prices when you do buy a car.
Non owner auto insurance protects you when you rent, share, or borrow a car. It also protects you from higher insurance prices when you do buy a car.
There are lots of great reasons to keep auto insurance even when you don't have a car. Borrowing a car, sharing a car, renting a car, and even being a pedestrian or a cyclist in a crash with a car are all situations where auto insurance will protect you.
And, if you don't have a car, nonowner auto insurance (aka named non owner, aka nonowned auto) is the type of policy that provides that protection. Nonowner car insurance policies cost about 1/3 as much as regular auto insurance, so they're a good investment if you drive from time to time.
Everyone likes savings, right?
They're also a good investment for another reason. Nonowner auto may save you money if you do decide to buy a car.
You're probably thinking that that makes no sense. We agree, it's not logical. It is, however, how traditional car insurance works. See, insurance companies have learned that people who already have auto insurance and switch to a different insurance company have fewer car accidents than people who are buying insurance for the first time (or for the first time in a long time). So, many car insurance companies give a discount for prior insurance when you buy your policy. This is also called a continuous insurance discount and can be as high as 30%.
We can't promise that whoever you eventually buy regular car insurance from will give you a discount for maintaining continuous insurance, but we can tell you that there are many companies that will. Turns out nonowner auto protects your wallet now and in the future.
Surround makes insurance easy. Check out our detailed non owner auto insurance guide.