See Surround Insurance on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram Reels!
Surround Insurance has a TikTok! And a YouTube channel. And we post to Instagram Reels. Same great content as our blog, but now you get to see what insurance enthusiasm looks like on camera!
We do our very best to share our favorite insurance advice everywhere we can, and that now includes video shorts!
We've blogged for last couple of years, and our articles have thousands and thousands (and thousands of views). We've texted and talked to so many of you as part of our mission to bring the right insurance to modern life. But we've been a little camera shy, even though we know you love video.
Then we got double dog dared to do some video.
And since we simply cannot resist a dare, we're stepping out from behind our phones to, well, the front of our phones (because watching ourselves while recording was AWKWARD).
Trust us, it's easier than you think.
We've unveiled our first set of videos for TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram Reels this week, with more scheduled to come! Promise you've never seen insurance enthusiasts like this. Or insurance influencers like this. (Those are really easy claims to make at this point. Otherwise we wouldn't make them.)
Send us your comments, feedback, and topics you'd like us to cover! Contact details at the bottom of this page.
Find us on Tiktok at @SurroundInsurance:
On YouTube at @SurroundInsurance9038:
And on Insta at @surroundinsurance: