Can you really save 15 percent on car insurance?

From groceries to concert tickets, it seems like everything costs more these days. The prospect of saving fifteen percent on your insurance is tantalizing. But can you really get a major car insurance discount just by switching insurance companies? You might, but switching isn’t the only way to save. 

You can save money by switching to a new car insurance company

Chances are you’ve seen so many Geico ads that you know their slogan by heart. Can fifteen minutes actually save you fifteen percent? What Geico claims is sometimes true, but it’s not because Geico is particularly special. 

You can often find a better deal by switching insurance providers. Insurance experts recommend comparing car insurance quotes at least once a year. There are lots of reasons you might get a better quote from another insurance company. Firstly, insurance companies usually raise the rates for their existing customers over time, so getting a fresh start with a new insurer might result in a lower rate. 

Secondly, each insurance company evaluates drivers and their vehicles slightly differently. All insurance companies value safe, responsible drivers. If you’ve been accident-free and haven’t gotten any tickets for moving violations in the past few years, you are more likely to find a better rate by switching. 

Insurance companies also adjust their pricing in response to changes in external factors like the cost of repairs and accident rates in your region. Each company has its own priorities. It’s worth getting quotes from several insurers to see who’s got the best rates for you right now. Learn more about how to get car insurance quotes

Other ways to save money

Switching can, indeed, help you save on car insurance. But it’s not the only thing you can do. In addition to getting quotes to see if you should switch, here are some other ways you can earn a car insurance discount or lower your premium. 

Maximize your car insurance discounts

There are many, many discounts to take advantage of, from government employee discounts to safe driver and good student discounts. Here’s our comprehensive round-up of every common car insurance discount. Make sure you get all the discounts you qualify for! 

Pay in full

If you’ve got the flexibility to pay for your car insurance in one annual lump sum, do it! Paying for car insurance in full (annually) will save you an average of five percent over paying premiums monthly. 

Ask for higher deductibles

The higher your deductibles, the lower your premiums. You can save money by raising your deductibles. However, don’t go too far, or you could be in hot water when you need to file a claim. Check out our guide for how to pick the perfect car insurance deductible for your life and budget

Update your credit report

In most states, your credit score affects the rate that insurance companies offer you. Insurers have noticed a connection between better financial situations and fewer insurance claims. People with higher credit scores are usually less expensive for insurance companies to cover, so they offer them lower rates. Improving your credit score doesn’t automatically improve your car insurance rate, though. If you’ve raised your credit score a lot, then 1) congrats! and 2) you should contact your current insurer to ask them to reorder your credit report. When they see the new score, they should lower your premium. 

Shop at insurance milestones

Just having insurance for a while can earn you a discount of 10 to 30 percent! Get new quotes when you’ve had insurance for six months and again after you’ve had it for 12 months. You might find that you qualify for a continuous insurance discount. One warning: being listed on your parents’ insurance doesn’t count toward a continuous insurance discount. If you’re planning to get your own car and switch to your own insurance, you can start the continuous insurance discount clock ticking early by getting non-owner car insurance

Never let your car insurance lapse

Even a few days between policies could have serious consequences for your car insurance costs. If you have one, you’ll lose your continuous insurance discount. Worse yet, if you get into a car accident while you’re uninsured, you could lose your license and wind up having to pay for all the expenses associated with the accident. That means paying for fixing your own car and treating your own injuries, as well as other drivers and pedestrians who were involved. 

To learn more about how to prevent a gap between policies, as well as how to switch insurance seamlessly, check out this guide. And if you’re ready to get some quotes from multiple insurance companies to see if you really can save fifteen percent, reach out to Surround Insurance.